출처 - www.creator.lego.com Q. How do you come up with the final design for a finished Creator product? A. Once we have an idea of what type of LEGO Creator product you guys would like to play with we start the process of building lots and lots of concept models with all sorts of wild styles and crazy functions. We then show these to kids from all over the world to see which they think is the cool..
출처 - How to Become a Lego Designer 단계 1. 레고와 친숙해져라. 2. 레고를 잘 만들어라. (창의적인 생각과 어울러 공감각과 공학적인 이해도 필요하다) 3. 레고 세트를 많이 구해 봄으로써 진짜 디자이너들의 방법을 배운다. 4. 그들처럼 만들어 봄으로써 그들처럼 된다. 5. 자신만의 작품을 만들어라, 나이가 들면 레고 디자이너가 될 수 있을 것이다. 팁 - 항상 최선을 다해라. 그리고 평소에 만들지 않던걸 만들도록 노력해라. 필요한 것 1. 레고 2. 손(?) 3. 입(!) 난 이 방법을 꽤나 진지하게 받아들이기로 마음 먹었다.
View gallery Purpose: The mechanical engineering department at the University of Idaho has formed a collaborative partnership with Ecole Nationale D'Aerotechnique in Quebec in order to explore issues and methods in international concurrent design. The long-term goal is to conduct design projects as a part of an international design team in which students collaborate to create new design solution..
출처 - 2005 MillionairePlayboy.com Interview with LEGO Designer Jens Kronvold Frederiksen with Lando da Pimp MillionairePlayboy.com: How did you get started as a LEGO Toy Designer? How long have you worked with LEGO? Jens: I am educated as a lithographer, and build plastic models in my spare-time. When I entered the Danish IPMS (International Plastic Model Society) championship in 1997 I was conta..
출처 - http://www.4kids.tv/buzz/view/introducing_a_legoreg_model_designer_part_1_of_2 Caption for photo at left: This is a mural of an Australian scene made completely of LEGO bricks. Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a LEGO® Model Designer? Or have you ever wondered how those really cool life-sized LEGO brick models come from and who makes them? Well, over the next couple of days we are ..
출처 - http://www.outtakes.com/work/lego.html Francie Berger, Senior Model Designer Lego Systems, Enfield, Connecticut Francie got her first set of Lego bricks when she was three and had decided to become an architect by the time she was eight. But while she was studying at Virginia Tech, she heard a visiting professor talk about designing toys. "I knew that was the field for me," she said. Now sh..
Product Designers for LEGO Group - Making ideas into toys Are you passionate about toys? Do you want to shape the play experiences of children all over the world? And do you want to use most of your time developing LEGO products? Then this is your chance to become a toy designer in the Product and Marketing Development department of the LEGO Group. We create the toys of the future through brands..
출처 - Eurobrick.com TLC is a cool place to work, and all kind of different skills are needed, depending on what position your in. Even narrowing it down to the traditional Lego designer, the job is quite different weather it's a Technic, Bionicle or City designer. Designing sets is not just about making something that's cool, it's more about producing a set that is a specific toy for a specific t..