Hi. Thanks to: Jennifer Allard, Erica Bruno, John Collura, Bridget Farmer, Amy Gorzkowski, Beth Hegarty, Shaylyn Kelly, Matthew Kent, Brian Patrick Manning, Meghan McAnaney, Krista Morisi, Thuy Nguyen, Marty O'Brien, Geri-Ann Quinlivan, Joseph Robinson, John Scagliarini, Aaron Smith, Sarah Tomas, David Walsh, Daniella Zarlengo, Elizabeth Cullinan, Derek Knox, Robert Merkt, Diep Nguyen, Patrick R..
It has not been really funny here. Here is why. "US" in snow or Snow in US (whichever works here now.) I've been spending my 1/7 times on shoveling snow. That's one day of a week. And 7 weeks that I've been here it has snowed 7 times. Oh wow. Never was like this before. If I would have known for it I would have considered of coming here. (joking, but seriously snow is crazy here now) Bye snow. I..
Martin Luther King, Jr. So it was Monday. But I didn't quite recall what special day was until my 3rd grade twin cousins told me. (What a shame.) They told me that they don't have school on Monday because... Anyway. Beside of having the spiritual moment at home we decided to go SLED!! YAY! From right across from uncle's house there is a state park called "Forest Park." I used to go there when I ..
I came out to Wareen this weekend (where uncle Teddy lives.) The town has not been changed in those years without me. Sunday was very relaxing due to the long ride. Monday I went to St. Thomas Aquinas school for teaching kids about Korea. I wish I had more time to prepare for the class. But, well... It's was okay.
= Facebook + booking(Konglish) It's was just an ordinary day, until I logged in my Facebook account. Few people try to talk to me on instant chat. I had to talk to them for meet-ups. And I just made two schedules for this weekend. WOW. Facebook is a very strong tool for me at this situation when I don't have any other convenient way to talk to people. I can make a plan that easy just by logging ..
It was a cold day today. I only knew it because I finally got outside after sitting in home for more than few days. Having holidays in America only made me very lazy and heavier. I came here to have some time to think of 'what I'm gonna' do rather than 'playing Super Mario Bros. 3' with 8-year-old twin cousin. BUT it's FUN to play it and I learned many secrets while playing and learning from my ..
It's been two weeks now. I have not kept my blog in good shape since I left the Incheon Airport two weeks ago. My last posting in Shanghi Pudong Airport was the last one I made. Until now. I decided to keep it open and nice because of others who want to hear my news. But I also decided to do in English. Before I finish this short posting I would like to say Happy New Year Everyone! Have a great ..
"니하오" 오전 열 한 시. 아니 현지(중국 상하이) 시각으로 현지 열 시. 중국에 도착했다. 비행기에서 바로 건물로 걸어 들어간게 아니라 이곳에서는 비행기에서 직접 내려 셔틀버스를 타고 공항으로 다시 이동한다. "Wait here" 전 세계 인구가 가장 많은 나라라지만 환승 승객들을 위한 입국심사장에 왜 사람이 한명도 없을까. 불과 여섯 명 밖에 안되는 미국행 환승승객들끼리 십 여분을 어리둥절하며 기다렸다. "follow her" 여자를 따라가서 입국심사를 받고 소지품 검사를 통과했다. 그 다음 비행기를 갈아타기 위해 해당 게이트를 찾아간다. 헉. 또 맨 가장자리에 위치한 나의 게이트. 걷고 걷고 또 걷고 그렇게 게이트에 도착해서 잠시 또 앉아 간다. 미국에서 돌아 올때는 푸동공항에서 18시간을 대기해..
'다음 번 방학때는 생각해볼께요.' 2006년 한국에 돌아 온 나는 매년 똑같은 말을 반복했다. 외숙모는 미국에 언제쯤 올꺼냐며 나에게 'loser'라고 말을 하곤 했다. (한국의 루저의 정의와는 조금 다른 의미의 루저다) 그리고 2010년 대학을 마치는 시점에 와서 드디어 그 약속을 지킬 수 있게 되었다. '나 이번 겨울에는 미국 갈 수 있어요.' "멀고도 험난 한 공항 가는 길" 12월 16일. 미국으로 떠나기 이틀 전 날. 친구들을 만나며 인사를 하고 여유롭게 시간을 보내다가 인천 발 공항 리무진 예약을 하지 못했다. 그리고 그 다음날 18일 오전 8시 50분 비행기를 타야하기 때문에 새벽 3시 정도에 출발하면 될 거라고 생각했는데 리무진 버스는 인천공항까지 약 4시간 소요인데 3시 30분 차 빼고..